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De URL voor toegang tot PaxFamilia is gewijzigd naar, u wordt zo doorgestuurd.
L'URL pour accéder à PaxFamilia a changé
L'URL pour accéder à PaxFamilia a changé en, vous serez redirigé dans un instant.
Die URL für den Zugriff auf PaxFamilia hat sich
Die URL für den Zugriff auf PaxFamilia hat sich in geändert. Sie werden gleich weitergeleitet.
The URL to access PaxFamilia has changed
The URL to access PaxFamilia has changed to, you will be redirected in a moment.
Welcome to PaxFamilia
Welcome to PaxFamilia, the BNP Paribas Fortis Private Banking & Wealth Management platform specifically designed for the overall and customised management of your assets.

This secure and confidential digital tool is only available to our Asset Management customers. It centralises all the information about your personal and asset situation in a clear, detailed and structured way. This tool will help us in assisting you as well as we can with the overall management of your assets by providing you with tailored advice in line with your financial ambitions.